Online: Over 5 daysActive now
Date available
15 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
25 to 30
Man (Straight)
25 to 30
Man (Straight)
- Work part-time
- Studying
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
- Animals and pets
- Community work
- Computers or Internet
- Cooking and food
- Creative interests
- Health and fitness
- Movies
- Music
- Personal development
- Socialising
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Television
- Travel
- Video games
- Writing
About this person
Hi , I'm sun and I'm student as well as part time worker . I don't have any pets .
Important personal qualities
No information
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No pets
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 210 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
Any bedroom size
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
- Man
- Woman
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
Smokers okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Aberfoyle Park
- Adelaide Airport
- Adelaide CBD
- Albert Park
- Alberton
- Aldinga
- Aldinga Beach
- Allenby Gardens
- Andrews Farm
- Angle Park
- Angle Vale
- Ascot Park
- Athol Park
- Barossa Goldfields
- Bedford Park
- Belair
- Bellevue Heights
- Beverley
- Bibaringa
- Birkenhead
- Blackwood
- Blakeview
- Blanche Harbor
- Brighton
- Brooklyn Park
- Buchfelde
- Buckland Park
- Camden Park
- Cape Jervis
- Chandlers Hill
- Cheltenham
- Cherry Gardens
- Christie Downs
- Christies Beach
- Clarendon
- Clinton
- Clovelly Park
- Cockatoo Valley
- Commissariat Point
- Concordia
- Coromandel East
- Coromandel Valley
- Cowandilla
- Craigburn Farm
- Craigmore
- Croydon
- Croydon Park
- Darlington
- Davoren Park
- Direk
- Dover Gardens
- Dublin
- Eden Hills
- Edinburgh
- Edinburgh North
- Edwardstown
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Downs
- Elizabeth East
- Elizabeth Grove
- Elizabeth North
- Elizabeth Park
- Elizabeth South
- Elizabeth Vale
- Ethelton
- Evanston
- Evanston Gardens
- Evanston Park
- Evanston South
- Exeter
- Ferryden Park
- Findon
- Flagstaff Hill
- Flinders Park
- Fulham
- Fulham Gardens
- Gawler
- Gawler Belt
- Gawler East
- Gawler River
- Gawler South
- Gawler West
- Gillman
- Glandore
- Glanville
- Glenalta
- Glenelg
- Glenelg East
- Glenelg North
- Glenelg South
- Glengowrie
- Gould Creek
- Grange
- Hackham
- Hackham West
- Hallett Cove
- Happy Valley
- Hawthorndene
- Hendon
- Henley Beach
- Henley Beach South
- Hewett
- Hillbank
- Hillier
- Hilton
- Hindmarsh
- Hove
- Humbug Scrub
- Huntfield Heights
- Inkerman
- Ironbank
- Kalbeeba
- Kangaroo Flat
- Keswick Terminal
- Kidman Park
- Kilkenny
- Kingston Park
- Korunye
- Kudla
- Kurralta Park
- Largs Bay
- Largs North
- Lewiston
- Lockleys
- Long Plains
- Lonsdale
- Lower Light
- Lynton
- Macdonald Park
- Mallala
- Mansfield Park
- Marino
- Marion
- Marleston
- Maslin Beach
- Mclaren Flat
- Mclaren Vale
- Middle Beach
- Mile End
- Mile End South
- Mitchell Park
- Moana
- Morphett Vale
- Morphettville
- Mullaquana
- Mundallio
- Munno Para
- Munno Para Downs
- Munno Para West
- Netley
- New Port
- Noarlunga Centre
- Noarlunga Downs
- North Adelaide
- North Brighton
- North Haven
- North Plympton
- Novar Gardens
- O'halloran Hill
- O'sullivan Beach
- Oaklands Park
- Old Noarlunga
- Old Reynella
- One Tree Hill
- Onkaparinga Hills
- Osborne
- Ottoway
- Outer Harbor
- Parham
- Park Holme
- Penfield
- Penfield Gardens
- Pennington
- Peterhead
- Plympton
- Plympton Park
- Port Adelaide
- Port Arthur
- Port Augusta
- Port Augusta West
- Port Gawler
- Port Noarlunga
- Port Noarlunga South
- Port Paterson
- Port Vincent
- Port Wakefield
- Port Willunga
- Price
- Proof Range
- Queenstown
- Rapid Bay
- Redbanks
- Regency Park
- Reid
- Reynella
- Reynella East
- Richmond
- Rosewater
- Royal Park
- Sampson Flat
- Sandy Creek
- Seacliff
- Seacliff Park
- Seacombe Gardens
- Seacombe Heights
- Seaford
- Seaford Heights
- Seaford Meadows
- Seaford Rise
- Seaton
- Seaview Downs
- Sellicks Beach
- Sellicks Hill
- Semaphore
- Semaphore Park
- Semaphore South
- Sheidow Park
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Plains
- Somerton Park
- South Brighton
- South Plympton
- St Clair
- St Kilda
- Stirling North
- Sturt
- Taperoo
- Tatachilla
- Tennyson
- Thebarton
- Thompson Beach
- Torrensville
- Trott Park
- Two Wells
- Uleybury
- Underdale
- Upper Sturt
- Virginia
- Wami Kata
- Ward Belt
- Warradale
- Waterloo Corner
- Webb Beach
- Welland
- West Beach
- West Croydon
- West Hindmarsh
- West Lakes
- West Lakes Shore
- West Richmond
- Whites Valley
- Whyalla
- Whyalla Barson
- Whyalla Jenkins
- Whyalla Norrie
- Whyalla Playford
- Whyalla Stuart
- Wild Horse Plains
- Willaston
- Willunga
- Willunga Hill
- Willunga South
- Windsor
- Wingfield
- Winninowie
- Wirrina Cove
- Woodcroft
- Woodville
- Woodville Gardens
- Woodville North
- Woodville Park
- Woodville South
- Woodville West
- Yattalunga