Online: Over 5 daysActive now
Date available
7 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
Woman (Straight)
Woman (Straight)
- Self-funded
- Job transition
Smoking at home
Have a cat
Main interests
- Animals and pets
- Computers or Internet
- Movies
- Music
- Reading
- Television
About this person
Hi, I'm looking for someone with an existing rental looking for a flatmate.
I'm a 47 year old lady, I'm really quiet and prefer to stay in my room most of the time, it's not because I'm anti social..I've actually got a chronic migraine condition, so at times retreating to my room for peace and quiet is sometimes a nescessity , this doesn't mean I'm not up for a chat and a laugh or that a normal amount of noise isn't just means that some days you'll see me and some days you will see a zombie walking around like a 94 year old.
I, I've been trialling meds for awhile now and I've finally gained enough stability to work part time, I've actually already gotten a position , I just need to finalise some requirements so that I can start at the end of March.
I have my two teenage kids on the weekends, they're 14 and 17 and you'll barely see them, Jacob only emerges from his room for food and toilet breaks and Breanna is not a typical teenage girl, both kids recognise the limitations my medical condition causes and they've learnt to live quietly aswell, this doesn't mean, no noise allowed..we watch TV and listen to the radio etc.. it just means I'm not an out and about type of person, I will split the kids visits into one at a time, which would mean I have a visitor on both Friday and Saturday .( either one kid per night or one kid for the weekend ), so I will need a room that has enough floor space for a double and a pull out single bed.
I'm happy for the rent to be adjusted to accommodate this, I'd also like the possibility of other nights to be an option when it's school holidays.
We have a cat, he's both inside and outside.. we also have a fish..he does absolutely nothing.
I've got all my own furniture, but am happy to let things go if space is an issue, I'm easy going and try not to sweat the small stuff,
I don't smoke or drink, and prefer not to live with a smoker as I'm extremely sensitive to smell, this also rules out anyone who loves strong scented candles ( a subtle, pleasant smell is fine) or incense they can make my brain explode, I also like a clean home, and have a background in cleaning for work.. so would be willing to take over the bigger portion of this... in exchange for less yard work.( I find this harder on me , medically.)
So if you want the best of both worlds.. a flatmate that feels like your living on your own whilst also having half the bills paid, then chuck me a message .
I'm a 47 year old lady, I'm really quiet and prefer to stay in my room most of the time, it's not because I'm anti social..I've actually got a chronic migraine condition, so at times retreating to my room for peace and quiet is sometimes a nescessity , this doesn't mean I'm not up for a chat and a laugh or that a normal amount of noise isn't just means that some days you'll see me and some days you will see a zombie walking around like a 94 year old.
I, I've been trialling meds for awhile now and I've finally gained enough stability to work part time, I've actually already gotten a position , I just need to finalise some requirements so that I can start at the end of March.
I have my two teenage kids on the weekends, they're 14 and 17 and you'll barely see them, Jacob only emerges from his room for food and toilet breaks and Breanna is not a typical teenage girl, both kids recognise the limitations my medical condition causes and they've learnt to live quietly aswell, this doesn't mean, no noise allowed..we watch TV and listen to the radio etc.. it just means I'm not an out and about type of person, I will split the kids visits into one at a time, which would mean I have a visitor on both Friday and Saturday .( either one kid per night or one kid for the weekend ), so I will need a room that has enough floor space for a double and a pull out single bed.
I'm happy for the rent to be adjusted to accommodate this, I'd also like the possibility of other nights to be an option when it's school holidays.
We have a cat, he's both inside and outside.. we also have a fish..he does absolutely nothing.
I've got all my own furniture, but am happy to let things go if space is an issue, I'm easy going and try not to sweat the small stuff,
I don't smoke or drink, and prefer not to live with a smoker as I'm extremely sensitive to smell, this also rules out anyone who loves strong scented candles ( a subtle, pleasant smell is fine) or incense they can make my brain explode, I also like a clean home, and have a background in cleaning for work.. so would be willing to take over the bigger portion of this... in exchange for less yard work.( I find this harder on me , medically.)
So if you want the best of both worlds.. a flatmate that feels like your living on your own whilst also having half the bills paid, then chuck me a message .
Important personal qualities
I'm respectful of other peoples privacy and need for space.
I keep a very tidy home as I find it helps with my mental health.
I don't sweat the small stuff or get angry about insignificant things.
I keep a very tidy home as I find it helps with my mental health.
I don't sweat the small stuff or get angry about insignificant things.
Food sharing and furniture
I prefer to cook for myself, I generally make two big meals for myself a week and freeze left overs , so I don't have to cook every night, when I have my kids over , I'll cook for them.. I can easily do most of it during the day, so that others can use the kitchen at night.
I like to do the dishes as I go and immediately afterwards aswell.
I do have furniture both a lounge and shelves, plus white goods , but they can easily be stored at a friend's.
I like to do the dishes as I go and immediately afterwards aswell.
I do have furniture both a lounge and shelves, plus white goods , but they can easily be stored at a friend's.
Description of pets
Zebby is 8 years old male, he's desexed, microchipped and toilet trained..he prefers to go outside and is both an inside and outside cat...but can be solely indoors if necessary.
We also have a fish called Richard, he lives in the kitchen usually, so that he gets to be involved and see things.
We also have a fish called Richard, he lives in the kitchen usually, so that he gets to be involved and see things.
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 250 per week
Home sizes
- 2 bedrooms
- 3+ bedrooms
Bedroom sizes
- Medium (double)
- Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
Without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
- Man
- Woman
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Aberfoyle Park
- Aldinga
- Aldinga Beach
- Ascot Park
- Ashford
- Bedford Park
- Belair
- Bellevue Heights
- Black Forest
- Blackwood
- Blewitt Springs
- Brighton
- Chandlers Hill
- Cherry Gardens
- Christie Downs
- Christies Beach
- Clapham
- Clarence Gardens
- Clarence Park
- Clarendon
- Clovelly Park
- Colonel Light Gardens
- Coromandel East
- Coromandel Valley
- Craigburn Farm
- Cumberland Park
- Darlington
- Daw Park
- Dover Gardens
- Eastwood
- Eden Hills
- Edwardstown
- Everard Park
- Flagstaff Hill
- Forestville
- Fullarton
- Glandore
- Glenalta
- Glenelg
- Glenelg East
- Glenelg North
- Glenelg South
- Glengowrie
- Goodwood
- Hackham
- Hackham West
- Hallett Cove
- Happy Valley
- Hawthorn
- Hawthorndene
- Highgate
- Hove
- Huntfield Heights
- Hyde Park
- Ironbank
- Kangarilla
- Keswick
- Kings Park
- Kingston Park
- Kingswood
- Lonsdale
- Lower Mitcham
- Lynton
- Malvern
- Marino
- Marion
- Maslin Beach
- Mclaren Flat
- Mclaren Vale
- Melrose Park
- Millswood
- Mitcham
- Mitchell Park
- Moana
- Morphett Vale
- Morphettville
- Myrtle Bank
- Netherby
- Noarlunga Centre
- Noarlunga Downs
- North Brighton
- O'halloran Hill
- O'sullivan Beach
- Oaklands Park
- Old Noarlunga
- Old Reynella
- Onkaparinga Hills
- Panorama
- Park Holme
- Parkside
- Pasadena
- Plympton Park
- Port Noarlunga
- Port Noarlunga South
- Port Willunga
- Reynella
- Reynella East
- Seacliff
- Seacliff Park
- Seacombe Gardens
- Seacombe Heights
- Seaford
- Seaford Heights
- Seaford Meadows
- Seaford Rise
- Seaview Downs
- Sellicks Beach
- Sellicks Hill
- Sheidow Park
- Somerton Park
- South Brighton
- South Plympton
- Springfield
- St Marys
- Sturt
- Tatachilla
- Torrens Park
- Trott Park
- Unley
- Unley Park
- Upper Sturt
- Urrbrae
- Warradale
- Wayville
- Westbourne Park
- Whites Valley
- Willunga
- Willunga Hill
- Willunga South
- Woodcroft