Online: 4 days agoActive now
Date available
16 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
Man (Straight)
Man (Straight)
Fully employed
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
About this person
Hi. I'm interested in sharing a house. I'm fully employed and just want to live a quiet life. Don't like to party. Am neat and tidy. I do like to cook.
Important personal qualities
I am a 50 year old man who has separated with his wife. I want to live near my work for at least a year till I get things soughted. I don't party,nor am loud or obtrusive. I am considerate. I am clean and tidy and easy to get along with.
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No information
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 300 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
- Medium (double)
- Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
Without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Off-street preferred
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
Any gender
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
- Outside okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Aberdare
- Aberglasslyn
- Abermain
- Abernethy
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Heights
- Allandale
- Anambah
- Arcadia Vale
- Argenton
- Ashtonfield
- Awaba
- Balmoral
- Bar Beach
- Barnsley
- Bellbird
- Bellbird Heights
- Belmont
- Belmont North
- Belmont South
- Bennetts Green
- Beresfield
- Berry Park
- Birmingham Gardens
- Bishops Bridge
- Black Hill
- Blackalls Park
- Blacksmiths
- Bolton Point
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarra Heights
- Boolaroo
- Booragul
- Brandy Hill
- Branxton
- Broadmeadow
- Brunkerville
- Buchanan
- Buttaba
- Buttai
- Callaghan
- Cameron Park
- Campvale
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Heights
- Cardiff South
- Carey Bay
- Carrington
- Cessnock
- Charlestown
- Chisholm
- Cliftleigh
- Coal Point
- Congewai
- Cooks Hill
- Croudace Bay
- Dalwood
- Duckenfield
- Dudley
- East Branxton
- East Maitland
- Edgeworth
- Eleebana
- Elermore Vale
- Ellalong
- Elrington
- Farley
- Fassifern
- Fennell Bay
- Fern Bay
- Fishing Point
- Fletcher
- Floraville
- Freemans Waterhole
- Fullerton Cove
- Garden Suburb
- Gateshead
- Georgetown
- Gillieston Heights
- Glendale
- Gosforth
- Greta
- Hamilton
- Hamilton East
- Hamilton North
- Hamilton South
- Harpers Hill
- Heatherbrae
- Heddon Greta
- Hexham
- Highfields
- Hillsborough
- Hillsborough
- Hinton
- Holmesville
- Horseshoe Bend
- Islington
- Jesmond
- Jewells
- Kahibah
- Kearsley
- Keinbah
- Kilaben Bay
- Killingworth
- Kitchener
- Kooragang
- Kotara
- Kotara South
- Kurri Kurri
- Lakelands
- Lambton
- Largs
- Leconfield
- Lenaghan
- Lewinsbrook
- Little Pelican
- Lochinvar
- Lorn
- Louth Park
- Lovedale
- Lower Belford
- Loxford
- Luskintyre
- Macquarie Hills
- Maitland
- Maitland Vale
- Marks Point
- Marmong Point
- Martinsville
- Maryland
- Maryville
- Mayfield
- Mayfield East
- Mayfield North
- Mayfield West
- Medowie
- Melville
- Merewether
- Merewether Heights
- Metford
- Millers Forest
- Mindaribba
- Minmi
- Morpeth
- Mount Dee
- Mount Hutton
- Mount View
- Mount Vincent
- Myuna Bay
- Neath
- New Lambton
- New Lambton Heights
- Newcastle CBD
- Newcastle East
- Newcastle West
- North Lambton
- North Rothbury
- Nulkaba
- Oakhampton
- Oakhampton Heights
- Osterley
- Oswald
- Pelaw Main
- Pelican
- Pelton
- Phoenix Park
- Pitnacree
- Quorrobolong
- Rankin Park
- Rathmines
- Raworth
- Raymond Terrace
- Redhead
- Richmond Vale
- Rosebrook
- Rothbury
- Rutherford
- Ryhope
- Sandgate
- Sawyers Gully
- Seahampton
- Shortland
- South Maitland
- Speers Point
- Stanford Merthyr
- Stockrington
- Stockton
- Tarro
- Telarah
- Tenambit
- Teralba
- The Hill
- The Junction
- Thornton
- Tighes Hill
- Tingira Heights
- Tomago
- Toronto
- Valentine
- Wakefield
- Wallalong
- Wallsend
- Wangi Wangi
- Warabrook
- Waratah
- Waratah West
- Warners Bay
- West Wallsend
- Weston
- Whitebridge
- Wickham
- Williamtown
- Windale
- Windella
- Windermere
- Woodberry
- Woodrising