Online: TodayActive now
Date available
17 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
25 to 30
Man (Straight)
25 to 30
Man (Straight)
Fully employed
Smoking at home
Outdoor smoker
No cat or dog
Main interests
About this person
I'm 29 years old. I am a concreter that works hard. My alarm for work changes abit only in the mornings due to early starts. Besides that you will find me really easy to get along with.
Important personal qualities
No information
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No information
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 360 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
- Medium (double)
- Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
Smoking at home
- Outside okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Athlone
- Bayles
- Beaconsfield
- Beaconsfield Upper
- Berwick
- Blind Bight
- Botanic Ridge
- Bunyip
- Bunyip North
- Caldermeade
- Cannons Creek
- Cardinia
- Catani
- Clyde
- Clyde North
- Cora Lynn
- Cranbourne
- Cranbourne East
- Cranbourne North
- Cranbourne South
- Cranbourne West
- Dalmore
- Devon Meadows
- Drouin
- Drouin East
- Drouin South
- Drouin West
- Garfield
- Garfield North
- Guys Hill
- Hampton Park
- Harkaway
- Heath Hill
- Iona
- Junction Village
- Koo Wee Rup
- Koo Wee Rup North
- Labertouche
- Lang Lang
- Lang Lang East
- Lardner
- Longwarry
- Longwarry North
- Lynbrook
- Lyndhurst
- Maryknoll
- Modella
- Monomeith
- Nar Nar Goon
- Nar Nar Goon North
- Narre Warren
- Narre Warren East
- Narre Warren North
- Narre Warren South
- Nilma
- Officer
- Officer South
- Pakenham
- Pakenham South
- Pakenham Upper
- Ripplebrook
- Rythdale
- Tonimbuk
- Tooradin
- Tynong
- Tynong North
- Vervale
- Warneet
- Warragul
- Warragul West
- Yannathan