Amelia/ Millie
Online: TodayActive now
Date available
31 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
18 to 24
Woman (Gay/Bi)
18 to 24
Woman (Gay/Bi)
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
- Movies
- Music
- Personal development
- Reading
- Shopping
- Television
- Video games
About this person
I’m a 22-year-old looking for a comfortable place to call home. I pride myself on being easygoing and adaptable, which helps me fit in well with different environments and lifestyles. I have a genuine love for pets, so if you have furry companions, I’ll be more than happy to help care for them and provide them with companionship.
I understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and tidy living space, so you can trust that I’ll treat your home and belongings with care. I'm also open to communication and ensuring that we establish a positive and harmonious living arrangement where we can all feel at ease. If you're looking for a considerate roommate, I'd love to hear from you!
I understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and tidy living space, so you can trust that I’ll treat your home and belongings with care. I'm also open to communication and ensuring that we establish a positive and harmonious living arrangement where we can all feel at ease. If you're looking for a considerate roommate, I'd love to hear from you!
Important personal qualities
Respect for each other's things, kindness, being able to communicate to each other
Food sharing and furniture
I have a lot of allergies so it might be hard to share some food
Description of pets
I have no pets but I'm fine if you do
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 300 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
Any bedroom size
Bedroom furniture
With a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
18 to 35
Any gender
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
- Outside okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Abbotsford
- Aberfeldie
- Acheron
- Adams Estate
- Aintree
- Airport West
- Albanvale
- Albert Park
- Albion
- Alexandra
- Allambee
- Allambee Reserve
- Allambee South
- Allestree
- Alma Park
- Alphington
- Altona
- Altona Meadows
- Altona North
- Anakie
- Anderson
- Anglesea
- Archdale Junction
- Archerton
- Archies Creek
- Ardeer
- Armadale
- Armstrong Creek
- Arthurs Creek
- Arthurs Seat
- Ascot
- Ascot Vale
- Ashbourne
- Ashburton
- Ashmont
- Ashwood
- Aspendale
- Aspendale Gardens
- Attwood
- Avalon
- Avondale Heights
- Avonsleigh
- Bacchus Marsh
- Badger Creek
- Balaclava
- Balintore
- Ballan
- Balliang
- Balliang East
- Balnarring
- Balnarring Beach
- Balwyn
- Balwyn North
- Bamganie
- Bangholme
- Bannockburn
- Barkstead
- Barrabool
- Barrys Reef
- Barwite
- Barwon Heads
- Bass
- Batesford
- Baxter
- Bayles
- Baynton
- Baynton East
- Bayswater
- Bayswater North
- Beaconsfield
- Beaconsfield Upper
- Beaumaris
- Beenak
- Belgrave
- Belgrave Heights
- Belgrave South
- Bell Park
- Bell Post Hill
- Bellarine
- Bellbrae
- Bellfield
- Bells Beach
- Belmont
- Bend Of Islands
- Bendigo
- Benloch
- Bentleigh
- Bentleigh East
- Beremboke
- Berwick
- Beveridge
- Big Hill
- Big Pats Creek
- Bittern
- Black Range
- Black Rock
- Blackburn
- Blackburn North
- Blackburn South
- Blackwood
- Blairgowrie
- Blakeville
- Blind Bight
- Bolinda
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarrah
- Bona Vista
- Bonbeach
- Boneo
- Bonnie Brook
- Boorooma
- Boronia
- Botanic Ridge
- Bourkelands
- Box Hill
- Box Hill North
- Box Hill South
- Braeside
- Braybrook
- Breakwater
- Breamlea
- Briar Hill
- Brighton
- Brighton East
- Broadford
- Broadmeadows
- Brookfield
- Brooklyn
- Brunswick
- Brunswick East
- Brunswick West
- Buckley
- Budgeree
- Bulla
- Bullaharre
- Bullarto
- Bullarto South
- Bulleen
- Bullengarook
- Bunding
- Bundoora
- Bungador
- Bungal
- Bunyip
- Bunyip North
- Burnley
- Burnside
- Burnside Heights
- Burwood
- Burwood East
- Buxton
- Bylands
- Cadello
- Cairnlea
- Calder Park
- Caldermeade
- California Gully
- Callignee
- Camberwell
- Campbellfield
- Cannons Creek
- Canterbury
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Schanck
- Cape Woolamai
- Capel Sound
- Cardinia
- Cargerie
- Carisbrook
- Carlsruhe
- Carlton
- Carlton North
- Carnegie
- Caroline Springs
- Carpendeit
- Carrum
- Carrum Downs
- Cartwrights Hill
- Cashmore
- Castella
- Catani
- Cathkin
- Caulfield
- Caulfield East
- Caulfield North
- Caulfield South
- Caveat
- Ceres
- Chadstone
- Chapple Vale
- Charlemont
- Charles Sturt University
- Chelsea
- Chelsea Heights
- Cheltenham
- Cherokee
- Childers
- Chintin
- Chirnside Park
- Christmas Hills
- Chum Creek
- Churchill
- Churchill Island
- Clarinda
- Clarkefield
- Clayton
- Clayton South
- Clematis
- Clifton Hill
- Clifton Springs
- Clonbinane
- Cloverlea
- Clyde
- Clyde North
- Coalville
- Cobaw
- Cobblebank
- Coburg
- Coburg North
- Cockatoo
- Cocoroc
- Coimadai
- Colac
- Colac East
- Colac West
- Colbrook
- Coldstream
- Collingwood
- Connewarre
- Coolaroo
- Coomoora
- Cooriemungle
- Cora Lynn
- Coragulac
- Corinella
- Corio
- Coronet Bay
- Cororooke
- Corunnun
- Cottles Bridge
- Cowes
- Cowleys Creek
- Craigieburn
- Cranbourne
- Cranbourne East
- Cranbourne North
- Cranbourne South
- Cranbourne West
- Cremorne
- Crib Point
- Croydon
- Croydon Hills
- Croydon North
- Croydon South
- Curlewis
- Daisy Hill
- Dales Creek
- Dallas
- Dalmore
- Dandenong
- Dandenong North
- Dandenong South
- Darley
- Darnum
- Darraweit Guim
- Deanside
- Deepdene
- Deer Park
- Delahey
- Delburn
- Denver
- Derrimut
- Devils River
- Devon Meadows
- Dewhurst
- Diamond Creek
- Diggers Rest
- Dingley Village
- Dixons Creek
- Docklands
- Don Valley
- Doncaster
- Doncaster East
- Donnybrook
- Donvale
- Doreen
- Doveton
- Driffield
- Dromana
- Dropmore
- Drumborg
- Drumcondra
- Drummond
- Drummond North
- Dry Diggings
- Drysdale
- Durdidwarrah
- Dutton Way
- Eaglehawk
- Eaglemont
- East Bendigo
- East Geelong
- East Melbourne
- East Wagga Wagga
- East Warburton
- Eden Park
- Edgecombe
- Edithvale
- Eildon
- Elaine
- Elizabeth Island
- Elliminyt
- Elphinstone
- Elsternwick
- Eltham
- Eltham North
- Elwood
- Emerald
- Endeavour Hills
- Epping
- Epsom
- Essendon
- Essendon Fields
- Essendon North
- Essendon West
- Estella
- Euberta
- Eumemmerring
- Exford
- Eynesbury
- Fairfield
- Fawkner
- Fern Hill
- Ferndale
- Fernshaw
- Ferntree Gully
- Ferny Creek
- Fingal
- Fiskville
- Fitzroy
- Fitzroy North
- Flagstaff
- Flemington
- Flinders
- Flora Hill
- Flowerdale
- Footscray
- Forbes
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hill
- Frankston
- Frankston North
- Frankston South
- Fraser Rise
- French Island
- Freshwater Creek
- Fyansford
- Gainsborough
- Gardenvale
- Garfield
- Garfield North
- Geelong
- Geelong West
- Gellibrand Lower
- Gembrook
- Gheringhap
- Ghin Ghin
- Gilderoy
- Gisborne
- Gisborne South
- Gladstone Park
- Gladysdale
- Glen Forbes
- Glen Huntly
- Glen Iris
- Glen Waverley
- Glenaroua
- Glenburn
- Glenfield Park
- Glenhope
- Glenhope East
- Glenlyon
- Glenmore
- Glenroy
- Gnarwarre
- Gobbagombalin
- Golden Gully
- Golden Square
- Goldie
- Goombargana
- Gorae
- Gorae West
- Gordon
- Gowanbrae
- Grangefields
- Grantville
- Great Western
- Greendale
- Greensborough
- Greenvale
- Grovedale
- Gruyere
- Gumly Gumly
- Guys Hill
- Hadfield
- Hallam
- Hallston
- Hamilton
- Hamlyn Heights
- Hampton
- Hampton East
- Hampton Park
- Harkaway
- Harkness
- Hastings
- Hawthorn
- Hawthorn East
- Hazelwood
- Hazelwood North
- Hazelwood South
- Healesville
- Heathcote Junction
- Heathcote South
- Heatherton
- Heathmere
- Heathmont
- Heidelberg
- Heidelberg Heights
- Heidelberg West
- Herne Hill
- Hernes Oak
- Hesket
- Heywood
- High Camp
- Highett
- Highlands
- Highton
- Hilldene
- Hillside
- Hoddles Creek
- Homewood
- Hopetoun Park
- Hoppers Crossing
- Hughesdale
- Humevale
- Huntingdale
- Huntly
- Hurstbridge
- Indented Head
- Ingliston
- Iona
- Ironbark
- Irrewarra
- Irrewillipe
- Ivanhoe
- Ivanhoe East
- Jacana
- Jackass Flat
- Jan Juc
- Jancourt
- Jancourt East
- Jeeralang
- Jeeralang Junction
- Jumbuk
- Junction Village
- Junortoun
- Kalkallo
- Kallista
- Kalorama
- Kangaroo Flat
- Kangaroo Ground
- Kapooka
- Kealba
- Keilor
- Keilor Downs
- Keilor East
- Keilor Lodge
- Keilor North
- Keilor Park
- Kennedys Creek
- Kennington
- Kensington
- Kerrie
- Kerrisdale
- Kew
- Kew East
- Keysborough
- Kilcunda
- Killingworth
- Kilmore
- Kilmore East
- Kilsyth
- Kilsyth South
- Kinglake
- Kinglake Central
- Kinglake West
- Kings Park
- Kingsbury
- Kingsville
- Knoxfield
- Koallah
- Koo Wee Rup
- Koo Wee Rup North
- Kooringal
- Koornalla
- Kooyong
- Koriella
- Korobeit
- Kurunjang
- Kyneton
- Kyneton South
- Lake Albert
- Lake Eildon
- Lal Lal
- Lalor
- Lamplough
- Lancefield
- Lang Lang
- Langley
- Langwarrin
- Langwarrin South
- Lara
- Larpent
- Launching Place
- Lauriston
- Laverton
- Laverton North
- Leonards Hill
- Leopold
- Lerderderg
- Lethbridge
- Lilydale
- Limestone
- Little Hampton
- Little River
- Lloyd
- Lockwood
- Lockwood South
- Long Forest
- Long Gully
- Longwarry
- Lovely Banks
- Lower Plenty
- Loy Yang
- Lynbrook
- Lyndhurst
- Lyonville
- Lysterfield
- Lysterfield South
- Macclesfield
- Macedon
- Macleod
- Maddingley
- Maiden Gully
- Maidstone
- Main Ridge
- Malmsbury
- Malvern
- Malvern East
- Mambourin
- Mandurang
- Mandurang South
- Manifold Heights
- Mannerim
- Manor Lakes
- Mansfield
- Marcus Hill
- Maribyrnong
- Marong
- Marshall
- Maryborough
- Maryknoll
- Marysville
- Maryvale
- Maude
- Mccrae
- Mckinnon
- Meadow Heights
- Melbourne Airport
- Melbourne CBD
- Melton
- Melton South
- Melton West
- Mentone
- Menzies Creek
- Meredith
- Mernda
- Merricks
- Merricks Beach
- Merricks North
- Merrimu
- Metcalfe
- Metcalfe East
- Mia Mia
- Mickleham
- Middle Park
- Milbrulong
- Mill Park
- Millbrook
- Millgrove
- Mitcham
- Modewarre
- Moe
- Moe South
- Molesworth
- Monbulk
- Monegeetta
- Monomeith
- Mont Albert
- Mont Albert North
- Montmorency
- Montrose
- Moolap
- Moonee Ponds
- Moorabbin
- Moorabbin Airport
- Moorabool
- Moorong
- Moorooduc
- Mooroolbark
- Moranding
- Mordialloc
- Moriac
- Mornington
- Morrisons
- Morwell
- Mount Austin
- Mount Burnett
- Mount Cottrell
- Mount Dandenong
- Mount Doran
- Mount Duneed
- Mount Egerton
- Mount Eliza
- Mount Evelyn
- Mount Macedon
- Mount Martha
- Mount Moriac
- Mount Toolebewong
- Mount Wallace
- Mount Waverley
- Mulgrave
- Mulyandry
- Munyabla
- Murrindindi
- Murrumbeena
- Myrniong
- Nalangil
- Nangana
- Nar Nar Goon
- Nar Nar Goon North
- Narbethong
- Narracan
- Narre Warren
- Narre Warren East
- Narre Warren North
- Narre Warren South
- New Gisborne
- Newborough
- Newbury
- Newcomb
- Newfield
- Newham
- Newhaven
- Newport
- Newtown
- Niddrie
- Noble Park
- Noble Park North
- Norlane
- North Bendigo
- North Blackwood
- North Geelong
- North Melbourne
- North Shore
- North Wagga Wagga
- North Warrandyte
- Northcote
- Notting Hill
- Nulla Vale
- Nunawading
- Nutfield
- Oak Park
- Oaklands Junction
- Oakleigh
- Oakleigh East
- Oakleigh South
- Ocean Grove
- Officer
- Officer South
- Olinda
- Ondit
- Ormond
- Osborne
- Paaratte
- Pakenham
- Pakenham South
- Pakenham Upper
- Panton Hill
- Paraparap
- Park Orchards
- Parkdale
- Parkville
- Parwan
- Pascoe Vale
- Pascoe Vale South
- Pastoria
- Pastoria East
- Patterson Lakes
- Pearcedale
- Pentland Hills
- Pheasant Creek
- Pioneer Bay
- Pipers Creek
- Pirron Yallock
- Pleasant Hills
- Plenty
- Plumpton
- Point Cook
- Point Leo
- Point Lonsdale
- Point Wilson
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Porcupine Ridge
- Port Campbell
- Port Melbourne
- Portarlington
- Portland
- Portland North
- Portland West
- Portsea
- Prahran
- Preston
- Princes Hill
- Princetown
- Pyalong
- Quandong
- Quarry Hill
- Queenscliff
- Queensferry
- Rand
- Ravenhall
- Ravenswood
- Red Hill
- Red Hill South
- Redbank
- Redesdale
- Reedy Creek
- Research
- Reservoir
- Rhyll
- Richmond
- Riddells Creek
- Ringwood
- Ringwood East
- Ringwood North
- Rippleside
- Ripponlea
- Rochford
- Rockbank
- Rocklyn
- Romsey
- Rosanna
- Rosebud
- Rowan
- Rowsley
- Rowville
- Roxburgh Park
- Rubicon
- Ryan
- Rye
- Rythdale
- Safety Beach
- Sailors Falls
- Sailors Gully
- San Isidore
- San Remo
- Sandhurst
- Sandringham
- Sassafras
- Scoresby
- Scotts Creek
- Seabrook
- Seaford
- Seaholme
- Seaview
- Seddon
- Selby
- Seville
- Seville East
- Seymour
- She Oaks
- Sherbrooke
- Shoreham
- Sidonia
- Silvan
- Silverleaves
- Simson
- Skye
- Smiths Beach
- Smiths Gully
- Somers
- Somerton
- Somerville
- Sorrento
- South Geelong
- South Kingsville
- South Melbourne
- South Morang
- South Purrumbete
- South Wharf
- South Yarra
- Southbank
- Spargo Creek
- Spotswood
- Spring Gully
- Spring Hill
- Springbank
- Springfield
- Springvale
- Springvale
- Springvale South
- St Albans
- St Albans Park
- St Andrews
- St Andrews Beach
- St Helena
- St Kilda
- St Kilda East
- St Kilda Road
- St Kilda West
- St Leonards
- Staughton Vale
- Steels Creek
- Steiglitz
- Stonehaven
- Stonyford
- Strath Creek
- Strathdale
- Strathewen
- Strathfieldsaye
- Strathmore
- Strathmore Heights
- Strathtulloh
- Stuart Mill
- Sugarloaf Creek
- Summerlands
- Sunbury
- Sunday Creek
- Sunderland Bay
- Sunset Strip
- Sunshine
- Sunshine North
- Sunshine West
- Surf Beach
- Surrey Hills
- Sutherlands Creek
- Swan Bay
- Swan Island
- Swan Marsh
- Sydenham
- Taggerty
- Tallarook
- Tandarook
- Tanjil South
- Tantaraboo
- Tarcombe
- Tarneit
- Tarrawarra
- Tatton
- Taylor Bay
- Taylors Hill
- Taylors Lakes
- Tecoma
- Templestowe
- Templestowe Lower
- Tenby Point
- Tesbury
- The Basin
- The Gurdies
- The Patch
- Thomastown
- Thomson
- Thornbury
- Thornhill Park
- Thornton
- Thorpdale
- Thorpdale South
- Three Bridges
- Timboon
- Timboon West
- Tolland
- Tonimbuk
- Tooborac
- Toolangi
- Toolern Vale
- Tooradin
- Toorak
- Tootgarook
- Torquay
- Tottenham
- Trafalgar
- Trafalgar East
- Trafalgar South
- Traralgon
- Traralgon East
- Traralgon South
- Travancore
- Trawool
- Tremont
- Trentham
- Trentham East
- Trida
- Truganina
- Tuerong
- Tullamarine
- Turvey Park
- Tyaak
- Tyabb
- Tyers
- Tylden
- Tylden South
- Tynong
- Tynong North
- Upper Ferntree Gully
- Upper Plenty
- Upwey
- Urangeline
- Urangeline East
- Uranquinty
- Ventnor
- Vermont
- Vermont South
- Vervale
- Viewbank
- Waarre
- Wagga Wagga
- Walbundrie
- Wallan
- Wallington
- Wandana Heights
- Wandin East
- Wandin North
- Wandong
- Wantirna
- Wantirna South
- Warburton
- Warneet
- Warrandyte
- Warrandyte South
- Warranwood
- Waterford Park
- Waterways
- Watsonia
- Watsonia North
- Watsons Creek
- Wattle Glen
- Waurn Ponds
- Weir Views
- Werribee
- Werribee South
- Wesburn
- West Bendigo
- West Footscray
- West Melbourne
- Westbury
- Westmeadows
- Whanregarwen
- Wheelers Hill
- White Hills
- Whiteheads Creek
- Whittington
- Whittlesea
- Wildwood
- Williams Landing
- Williamstown
- Williamstown North
- Willowmavin
- Wimbledon Heights
- Windsor
- Wollert
- Wonga Park
- Woodend
- Woodend North
- Woodstock
- Woolamai
- Woori Yallock
- Wrathall
- Wyndham Vale
- Yallambie
- Yallourn
- Yallourn North
- Yan Yean
- Yannathan
- Yarck
- Yarra Glen
- Yarra Junction
- Yarragon
- Yarragon South
- Yarragundry
- Yarrambat
- Yarraville
- Yea
- Yellingbo
- Yeo
- Yinnar
- Yinnar South
- Yuroke