Online: Over 5 daysActive now
Date available
17 Mar 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
18 to 24
Woman (Straight)
18 to 24
Woman (Straight)
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
- Animals and pets
- Cars or motorbikes
- Movies
- Music
- Reading
- Travel
About this person
Hi I’m Marjorie, I’m 22 years old, I’m currently looking for work but I have been a waitress, a perfessional cleaner, receptionist, and I have worked in agriculture. I like watching movies, reading books, 4wd, camping, and trying new things.
On weekends I mostly just stay at home and do house work and read a book. I like to socialise but I also enjoy my isolation.
On weekends I mostly just stay at home and do house work and read a book. I like to socialise but I also enjoy my isolation.
Important personal qualities
I would like to live with all sorts of people as long as they are clean and tidy. I’m always up for a good chat but I also like my own space too. I don’t drink very much for personal reasons but I’m ok if other people drink. I’m ok with cooking communal meals sometimes if discussed
Food sharing and furniture
I don’t mind sharing food if we put our money together for a house shop at least once a fortnight. I don’t own much furniture but I’m willing to help in that area anyway I can.
Description of pets
No information
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 150 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
- Medium (double)
- Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
Without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
18 to 40
Any gender
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
Smokers okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Heights
- Alumy Creek
- Argenton
- Bar Beach
- Barnsley
- Belmont
- Belmont North
- Belmont South
- Bennetts Green
- Birmingham Gardens
- Blacksmiths
- Boambee
- Boambee East
- Boolaroo
- Broadmeadow
- Burnt Bridge
- Callaghan
- Cameron Park
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Heights
- Cardiff South
- Carrington
- Carrs Creek
- Carrs Island
- Carrs Peninsular
- Charlestown
- Clarenza
- Coffs Harbour
- Cooks Hill
- Croudace Bay
- Crowther Island
- Dudley
- East Kempsey
- Edgeworth
- Eleebana
- Elermore Vale
- Euroka
- Fern Bay
- Fernbank Creek
- Fletcher
- Floraville
- Garden Suburb
- Gateshead
- Georgetown
- Glendale
- Grafton
- Great Marlow
- Greenhill
- Gumma
- Hamilton
- Hamilton East
- Hamilton North
- Hamilton South
- Highfields
- Hillsborough
- Holmesville
- Hyland Park
- Islington
- Jesmond
- Jewells
- Junction Hill
- Kahibah
- Kempsey
- Killingworth
- Koolkhan
- Kooragang
- Korora
- Kotara
- Kotara South
- Lake Innes
- Lakelands
- Lambton
- Lenaghan
- Little Pelican
- Macksville
- Macquarie Hills
- Marks Point
- Maryland
- Maryville
- Mayfield
- Mayfield East
- Mayfield North
- Mayfield West
- Merewether
- Merewether Heights
- Minmi
- Moonee Beach
- Mount Hutton
- Mountain View
- Nambucca Heads
- New Lambton
- New Lambton Heights
- Newcastle CBD
- Newcastle East
- Newcastle West
- North Boambee Valley
- North Lambton
- North Macksville
- Pelican
- Port Macquarie
- Rankin Park
- Redhead
- Sandgate
- Sapphire Beach
- Sawtell
- Seahampton
- Seelands
- Shortland
- South Grafton
- South Kempsey
- Southampton
- Speers Point
- Stockrington
- Stockton
- The Hill
- The Junction
- Thrumster
- Tighes Hill
- Tingira Heights
- Toormina
- Trenayr
- Valentine
- Wallsend
- Warabrook
- Waratah
- Waratah West
- Warners Bay
- Waterview
- Waterview Heights
- West Kempsey
- West Wallsend
- Whitebridge
- Wickham
- Windale