Online: Over 5 daysActive now
Date available
18 Mar 2025 for 1 mth or less
Age and gender
18 to 24
Man (Straight)
18 to 24
Man (Straight)
Job transition
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
About this person
My name in Gabriel and i'm 20
i was looking for a room becouse the hostel is too expensive
i'm fine for sharing a room, just lets set some bounderies first
i was looking for a room becouse the hostel is too expensive
i'm fine for sharing a room, just lets set some bounderies first
Important personal qualities
i shower, i do not stink and i can clean for me self, and i hope you can do too....
Food sharing and furniture
i eat like a normal human
i prefere to eat my own food but if it is necessary im happy to share it
i prefere to eat my own food but if it is necessary im happy to share it
Description of pets
no pets
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 400 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
Any bedroom size
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
31 to 40
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
- Outside okay
Prefer no pets
Location Preferences
- Ascot
- Beckenham
- Bellevue
- Belmont
- Bickley
- Boya
- Cannington
- Carlisle
- Carmel
- Chidlow
- Cloverdale
- Darlington
- East Cannington
- Forrestfield
- Glen Forrest
- Gooseberry Hill
- Gosnells
- Greenmount
- Guildford
- Hacketts Gully
- Harrisdale
- Hazelmere
- Helena Valley
- Herne Hill
- High Wycombe
- Hovea
- Huntingdale
- Jane Brook
- Kalamunda
- Kenwick
- Kewdale
- Koongamia
- Lathlain
- Lesmurdie
- Maddington
- Mahogany Creek
- Maida Vale
- Middle Swan
- Midland
- Midvale
- Mount Helena
- Mundaring
- Orange Grove
- Parkerville
- Paulls Valley
- Perth Airport
- Piara Waters
- Pickering Brook
- Piesse Brook
- Queens Park
- Red Hill
- Redcliffe
- Reservoir
- Rivervale
- Sawyers Valley
- South Guildford
- Southern River
- Stoneville
- Stratton
- Swan View
- Thornlie
- Viveash
- Walliston
- Wattle Grove
- Welshpool
- West Swan
- Woodbridge