
Online: 2 days agoActive now

Date available
5 Sep 2024 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person. Male (str). 18 to 24 years.
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Fully employed
Main interests
  • Cooking and food
  • Health and fitness
  • Music
  • Socialising
  • Sports
About this person
22 year old Canadian working in Australia on WHV, im as easy going as they come
Important personal qualities
Im a dream flatmate quiet but still involve myself in conversations, im clean and tidy and respect others space, im easy going and catch on quite quick to others personalities. i love being active and staying fit and enjoy cooking it up in the kitchen
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No information

Match Preferences

Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 250 per week
Bedroom type
Private or shared bedroom
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
  • Medium (double)
  • Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Gender & sexuality
Males (str)
Age group
18 to 35 yrs
Smoking at home
Without a cat or dog
Location Preferences
  • Alexandra Headland
  • Birtinya
  • Bli Bli
  • Bokarina
  • Buddina
  • Buderim
  • Diddillibah
  • Forest Glen
  • Kiels Mountain
  • Kuluin
  • Kunda Park
  • Maroochydore
  • Minyama
  • Mons
  • Mooloolaba
  • Mountain Creek
  • Mudjimba
  • Pacific Paradise
  • Palmview
  • Parrearra
  • Rosemount
  • Sippy Downs
  • Tanawha
  • Twin Waters
  • Warana