
Online: 2 days agoActive now

Date available
7 Jul 2024 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person. Female (str). 18 to 24 years.
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Fully employed
Main interests
  • Art and culture
  • Cooking and food
  • Health and fitness
  • Reading
  • Shopping
  • Sports
  • Travel
About this person
I’m 24, moving from Adelaide for work as a architect in the cbd. Have flatshared when I was younger for a short period in Melbourne. I’m mindful of personal space, but keen to be friends with my roommates for the occasional dinner / drinks. LGBT friendly, non smoker, no pets.
Important personal qualities
No information
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No information

Match Preferences

Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 400 per week
Bedroom type
Private bedroom
Home sizes
  • 1 bedder/studio
  • 2 bedrooms
Bedroom sizes
Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Off-street preferred
Flatmate Preferences
Gender & sexuality
Females (str)
Age group
18 to 30 yrs
Smoking at home
Pets okay
Location Preferences
  • Balgowlah
  • Balgowlah Heights
  • Barangaroo
  • Bellevue Hill
  • Bondi
  • Bondi Beach
  • Bronte
  • Centennial Park
  • Chippendale
  • Clontarf
  • Cremorne
  • Cremorne Point
  • Darling Point
  • Darlington
  • Dawes Point
  • Double Bay
  • East Ryde
  • Edgecliff
  • Fairlight
  • Forest Lodge
  • Glebe
  • Haymarket
  • Kurraba Point
  • Macquarie Park
  • Manly
  • Manly Vale
  • Meadowbank
  • Melrose Park
  • Millers Point
  • Mosman
  • Neutral Bay
  • North Balgowlah
  • North Bondi
  • North Ryde
  • Paddington
  • Point Piper
  • Pyrmont
  • Ryde
  • Seaforth
  • Sydney CBD
  • Tamarama
  • The Rocks
  • Ultimo
  • West Ryde
  • Woollahra