
Online: 4 days agoActive now

Date available
20 Jul 2024 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person. Male (str). 41+ years.
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Fully employed
Main interests
Video games
About this person

My name is Ben. 42. Work in transport at Eastern Creek.
Out of the house around 5am and back around 2pm
Most just like chilling with tv or xbox and watching sport on the weekend.
Important personal qualities
Respect each other's space and personal belongings
Lie and say my food is great
Food sharing and furniture
I have a lounge
Tv unit. Fridge, washer, dryer.
Prefer to keep food separate but will cook shared meals.
Description of pets
No information

Match Preferences

Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 310 per week
Bedroom type
Private bedroom
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
Large (queen/king)
Bedroom furniture
Without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Gender & sexuality
Any gender/sexuality
Age group
25 yrs+
Smoking at home
Smokers okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
  • Acacia Gardens
  • Arndell Park
  • Blacktown
  • Bungarribee
  • Camellia
  • Colebee
  • Dean Park
  • Doonside
  • Glendenning
  • Glenwood
  • Harris Park
  • Huntingwood
  • Kings Langley
  • Kings Park
  • Lalor Park
  • Marayong
  • Mays Hill
  • North Parramatta
  • Northmead
  • Parklea
  • Parramatta
  • Prospect
  • Quakers Hill
  • Rosehill
  • Seven Hills
  • Westmead
  • Woodcroft