Online: TodayActive now
Date available
7 Jan 2025 for 6 mths plus
Age and gender
One person
36 to 40
Man (Straight)
36 to 40
Man (Straight)
Fully employed
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
- Cooking and food
- Health and fitness
- Travel
About this person
Hi, I’m moving from the UK at the end of the year. Will be working (medic) fairly long hours weekdays. Although happy to explore the area, enjoy water sports and relax at weekends
Important personal qualities
No information
Food sharing and furniture
No information
Description of pets
No information
Match Preferences
Home Preferences
Rent budget
$ 400 per week
Home sizes
Any home size
Bedroom sizes
Any bedroom size
Bedroom furniture
With or without a bed
Bathroom facilities
Shared bathroom okay
Parking facilities
Any parking okay
Flatmate Preferences
Age group
- Man
- Woman
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
Smokers okay
Pets okay
Location Preferences
- Abba River
- Abbey
- Acton Park
- Alexandra Bridge
- Allanson
- Ambergate
- Anniebrook
- Argyle
- Augusta
- Australind
- Balingup
- Barrabup
- Baudin
- Beela
- Beelerup
- Benger
- Benjinup
- Binningup
- Boallia
- Boranup
- Bovell
- Bowelling
- Boyanup
- Boyup Brook
- Bramley
- Brazier
- Bridgetown
- Broadwater
- Brookhampton
- Brunswick
- Buckingham
- Bunbury
- Burekup
- Burnside
- Busselton
- Capel
- Capel River
- Carbunup River
- Cardiff
- Carey Park
- Carlotta
- Catterick
- Chapman Hill
- Charley Creek
- College Grove
- Collie
- Collie Burn
- Cookernup
- Courtenay
- Cowaramup
- Crooked Brook
- Cundinup
- Dalyellup
- Dardanup
- Dardanup West
- Darradup
- Davenport
- Deepdene
- Dinninup
- Donnelly River
- Donnybrook
- Dunsborough
- Eagle Bay
- East Augusta
- East Bunbury
- East Nannup
- Eaton
- Elgin
- Ferguson
- Forest Grove
- Forrest Beach
- Gelorup
- Geographe
- Glen Iris
- Glen Mervyn
- Glenlynn
- Gnarabup
- Gracetown
- Greenbushes
- Grimwade
- Gwindinup
- Hamelin Bay
- Harris River
- Harvey
- Henty
- Hester
- Hester Brook
- Hithergreen
- Hoffman
- Jalbarragup
- Jarrahwood
- Jindong
- Kalgup
- Kaloorup
- Kangaroo Gully
- Karridale
- Kealy
- Kirup
- Kudardup
- Leeuwin
- Leschenault
- Lowden
- Ludlow
- Lyalls Mill
- Maranup
- Margaret River
- Marybrook
- Mcalinden
- Metricup
- Millbridge
- Molloy Island
- Mornington
- Muja
- Mullalyup
- Mumballup
- Mungalup
- Myalup
- Nannup
- Naturaliste
- Newlands
- Nillup
- Noggerup
- North Boyanup
- North Greenbushes
- North Jindong
- Osmington
- Palmer
- Paradise
- Parkfield
- Paynedale
- Pelican Point
- Peppermint Grove Beach
- Picton
- Picton East
- Preston Settlement
- Prevelly
- Quedjinup
- Queenwood
- Quindalup
- Redgate
- Reinscourt
- Roelands
- Rosa Brook
- Rosa Glen
- Ruabon
- Sabina River
- Schroeder
- Scott River
- Shotts
- Siesta Park
- South Bunbury
- Southampton
- Stirling Estate
- Stratham
- Sunnyside
- The Plains
- Thomson Brook
- Treeton
- Trigwell
- Tutunup
- Uduc
- Upper Capel
- Usher
- Vasse
- Vittoria
- Walsall
- Wandillup
- Warawarrup
- Warner Glen
- Waterloo
- Wellesley
- Wellington Forest
- Wellington Mill
- West Busselton
- Wilga
- Wilga West
- Wilyabrup
- Winnejup
- Witchcliffe
- Withers
- Wokalup
- Wonnerup
- Worsley
- Yabberup
- Yallingup
- Yallingup Siding
- Yalyalup
- Yarloop
- Yelverton
- Yoganup
- Yoongarillup
- Yornup