Private bedroom
- Own bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Air-conditioner
- TV aerial outlet
Home Description
Description of the home
Large house with two separate living areas, bigger area has bar and toilet. Parking available off street.
Park across the road
Home features
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Broadband Internet
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Storage room
- Balcony, patio or deck
- Courtyard, garden or yard
- Neighbourhood views
Bills and expenses
rent includes bills, just need to pay for food
Occupants Description
- 18 to 24
- 41+
- Have a cat
- Have a dog
- Animals and pets
- Business
- Community work
- Music
- Natural therapies
- Television
- Travel
daughter - 20yo daughter, art and crafty, works part time, is a bedroom hermit otherwise!
1 cat, Nutter (Nutter by name and nature)
Flatmate Preferences
- Outside okay