Private bedroom
- Shared bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Ceiling fan
- Desk available
Home Description
Description of the home
Five minutes from hospital, university.
Five minutes from bus stop , five minutes from harbour town.
Large fully equipped house with a pool
Home features
- Ceiling fans
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Broadband Internet
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Courtyard, garden or yard
- BBQ facilities
- Swimming pool
- Gym or fitness area
Bills and expenses
$110 per month, paid at the end of the month
Occupants Description
- 18 to 24
- 25 to 30
- 41+
- Cooking and food
- Health and fitness
- Movies
- Music
- Natural therapies
- Shopping
- Socialising
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Travel
Other occupants in the home are aged between 18 and 30
Easy to get along with, happy to help around the home with chores , cleaning etc