Private bedroom
- Ensuite bathroom
- Walk-in wardrobe
No kids - no interest in living with children
If you smoke cigarettes, please do it outside, vaping indoors is fine though
Home Description
Description of the home
2 bed 2 bath
Woolworths + cafes/fast food is a 2 min drive
Garage storage
Home features
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Broadband Internet
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Courtyard, garden or yard
Bills and expenses
All rent paid will cover household bills
(Gas, power, water & internet)
Occupants Description
- Animals and pets
- Bars, pubs or clubs
- Cooking and food
- Health and fitness
- Video games
Full time work
Not around a huge amount during the week, I’m around in the weekends mainly
Sleeps inside in my bed
Adores people, not a fan of other animals though
Flatmate Preferences
- Man
- Woman
- Outside okay