Private bedroom
- Shared bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Ceiling fan
- Desk available
Home Description
Description of the home
House location is very convenient. It is 7 minutes to drive the city . Close to shopping centre , 10 minutes by walking distance . There is bus stop in front of house . Housemates are very friendly and easy going . You will only share bathroom with a girl who is very clean and nice . More information, call or text please.
Home features
- Ceiling fans
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Cable or satellite TV
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Study or office
- Storage room
- Courtyard, garden or yard
- BBQ facilities
- Neighbourhood views
- Electronic security
Bills and expenses
Only electricity bill divided by four housemates
Occupants Description
- 25 to 30
- 31 to 35
- 36 to 40
- Bars, pubs or clubs
- Business
- Community work
- Cooking and food
- Health and fitness
I am an engineer. Work Monday to Friday . I like do exercise, eating health food , watch tv , travel and social activities.
My girlfriend is hair dresser . She works three days in a week . My girlfriend is very easy and friendly a person . She likes to cook , social activities and sometimes does exercise.
Flatmate Preferences
- Outside okay