Private bedroom
- Own bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Air-conditioner
- Ceiling fan
- Desk available
- Use of separate room
- Adjoining room
Home Description
Description of the home
Looking for friendly female, clean and tidy, with happy personality, I have very nice 3x2 cosy/home fully furnished with private dble room area, has own bathroom, room has all bed linen, built-in robes, tables/lamps, chest draws, ajacent room same gets used as study, home f/furnished, with mod-cons, small yard fully fenced, safe quiet area, 10 walk to IGA/bus/train station, train want be running for about another 5 months? (still under construction), this is not a party house,
Home features
- Ceiling fans
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Cable or satellite TV
- Broadband Internet
- Clothes washer
- Study or office
- Balcony, patio or deck
- Courtyard, garden or yard
Bills and expenses
Bills included in weekly rent,
Occupants Description
- 18 to 24
- 41+
- Cars or motorbikes
- Current affairs
- Health and fitness
"I will only reply to those with photo's and an acceptable profile to minimise wasting time"
Flatmate Preferences
- Outside okay