Private bedroom
- Shared bathroom
- Own outdoor area
Home Description
Description of the home
The apartment is located in the lively area of Newtown and is right on the Main street. Apartment is located right beside any transport you may need and is really easy to get in and out of the city by train (15 minutes into central station). Any gym, clothes shops, bars or anything else you may need is right outside the apartment block.
Home features
- Air-conditioning
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Balcony, patio or deck
Bills and expenses
Rent is paid fortnightly at $800 for the room. This excludes bills. Bills usually cost about $250-$300 per quarter split between the two of us.
Occupants Description
- Bars, pubs or clubs
- Health and fitness
- Movies
- Music
- Shopping
- Socialising