Private bedroom
- Shared bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Ceiling fan
lovely verandah, gardens ,spa tub .barbeque.
Home Description
Description of the home
Safe female house in quite cul-de-sac, Warm welcoming home with lovely gardens
Home features
- Ceiling fans
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Cable or satellite TV
- Dishwasher
- Clothes washer
- Balcony, patio or deck
- Courtyard, garden or yard
- BBQ facilities
- Neighbourhood views
- Spa or hot tub
Bills and expenses
Bills discussed/Room in walk in pantry, supply own food, clean up after self
Occupants Description
- 18 to 24
- 41+
- Animals and pets
- Art and culture
- Business
- Community work
- Cooking and food
- Movies
- Music
- Natural therapies
- Personal development
- Reading
I work from home , but work around other house mates
I'm friendly kind and caring. Respect others space/
Enjoy company of others but enjoy my own time as well.
a good flat mate to me is someone who cares for self / cleans up after self.
Enjoys a chat, but can entertain self.
Enjoys a conversation. Will help out in house, strip there bed each week etc, on time.
They are quite and are not barkers.