
Melbourne - North East

Home type
Home size
2 bedrooms
Uncovered off-street

Private bedroom

Rent amount
Singles$1065 per month (excludes bills)
Date available
21 February 2024 for 6 months plus
Bedroom size
Large bedroom (queen bed size)
Bedroom furniture
Without a bed
  • Shared bathroom
  • Built-in wardrobe
  • Air-conditioner
Security bond
1 month
Other information
Room has the option of using a set of drawers if required.
The main bathroom (including bath) will be predominantly yours to use (I have a small ensuite), but shared when guests are in the house.

Home Description

Description of the home

Spacious north facing townhouse located in a quiet area of south Preston. Close to all forms of public transport (tram, train & bus) and not far from the hustle and bustle of High Street and all that it offers. Very airy and open living and dining area with plenty of storage room in the garage if required.

Home features

  • Air-conditioning
  • Living area heating
  • Broadband Internet
  • Dishwasher
  • Clothes washer
  • Storage room
  • Balcony, patio or deck
  • Neighbourhood views

Bills and expenses

All utilities are shared equally, including electricity, gas, and internet.

Occupants Description

Age group
Smoking at home
No cat or dog
Main interests
  • Art and culture
  • Cooking and food
  • Creative interests
  • Health and fitness
  • Music
  • Personal development
  • Socialising
  • Travel
About occupants
Hi, my name is Nicki and I am a 45 year old, left leaning, sex positive, active individual who works in mental health and wellbeing spaces. My day job can be a bit intense (working with at-risk & disengaged youth) so I enjoy socialising most nights with friends, going out to dinner or engaging in outdoor activities on the weekends (hiking, biking, camping, festivals or house parties). I am involved in communities that like to fundraise and create events, so I've often got a project or outfit that I'm working on.
Compatible people
It is important that you're a good communicator and can have a perspective focused on what is important - friends, family, health & happiness. I enjoy share housing where flatmates are independent, but can still enjoy a conversation and the occasional shared meal together. Ideally, you are open minded and progressive, either in your political views, orientation or mindset.
I'd prefer an age range between 35 - 50 and of a female gender, but this is not a strict requirement.
Description of pets
No information

Flatmate Preferences

Age group
  • Man
  • Woman
Any sexuality
Smoking at home
  • Outside okay
  • Cats okay