Private bedroom
- Own bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
Home Description
Description of the home
Modern 4 bedroom house - this must be the quietest house in the quietest street in Werribee being located in a dead end street next to the river. Fully furnished house enjoying an Australian native garden. Heaps of living areas. Floorboards throughout and modern tasteful furnishings. The house has 2 bathrooms.
Seconds to the Werribee river and the bike/walking path. Use the river track to get to Werribee Station in minutes. Alternatively, walk the other way and get to Presidents Park. Also close to several gyms and the Werribee pool. Also close to the new Werribee Plaza and Aqua pulse.
Home features
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Broadband Internet
- Clothes washer
- Balcony, patio or deck
- Courtyard, garden or yard
- Neighbourhood views
Bills and expenses
Shared cleaning of the main areas. The house is pretty easy to keep clean being floorboards and the main job will be sweeping and mopping the floors once every second week. Must clean own bathroom and toilet. Sorry, but if cleaning isn't done this may result in you being asked to leave.
Occupants Description
- Animals and pets
- Art and culture
- Computers or Internet
- Cooking and food
- Current affairs
- Health and fitness
- Movies
- Music
- Personal development
- Reading
- Socialising
- Sports
- Television
- Travel
I am a early retired (self funded) retiree and an exercise fanatic. I do up to four hours of exercise a day either on the push bike, running, swimming (at the local pool) or at the local gym. I tend to travel a lot as I have a campervan too. I may take off at short notice for weeks at a time. For that reason, I'm looking for a housemate who's happy to feed and pat the cat when I'm away.
I'm interested in people who love/like cats (and not just tolerate them.) It won't work if you are allergic to cats. The cat (Lizzie) will try their best to sit on your lap - I would love it it you will let them. :)
Flatmate Preferences
- Man
- Woman